

Improve your Ballet faster with a Personal Training Course

Personal one on one training can help you rapidly improve your skills for that audition or performance coming up.


由來自台灣的Miss Eve校長領軍,Gravity Ballet擁有最棒的導師團隊。

Miss Eve Yu


Miss Carmen Suen

初班 1 & 2

Miss Koie Lai

初班 1 & 2, 预中級

Miss Barbie Wong

初班 1,预中級, 中級1 & 足尖鞋1

Miss Angel Lee

初班 1 & 2,

Mr Étienne Ferrère

预中級 & 中級1

Miss Karine Wong

预中級 & 足尖鞋1

Frequently Asked Questions

Group Classes – No.


At Gravity Ballet we don’t require members to make bookings before coming to classes. Our packages are flexible that you may attend any level class, with any teacher, in either Central or TST studio any time within the validity period of your package. 


This allows you to integrate your training schedule easily in conjunction with your professional and social commitments. 



MasterStretch – Yes.


It is essential to make bookings for MasterStretch sessions due to limited equipment available. 


At any time you desire within the validity period of the package. 


Our packages are flexible so that you may attend any level class, with any teacher, in either Central or TST studio any time within the validity period of your package. 


This allows you to integrate your training schedule easily in conjunction with your professional and social commitments. 

The studio will only be closed on average 8 days per year during Christmas, New Year and Lunar New Year. 


On other public holidays we will generally run an alternate schedule if the holiday falls on a weekday. If the holiday falls on a weekend, usually the standard schedule will continue unchanged. 


For updates to alternate schedules or studio closed days please follow our FaceBook, Instagram, or the news page of our website. 

We accept the following:

  • Cash.
  • EPS.
  • FPS.
  • Octopus.
  • AliPay.
  • WeChat (HKD).
  • WeChat (RMB).


Sports attire. 


If you are joining ballet for the first time and want to try some classes before comiting to buying all the proper attire then you may wear standard sporting gear until you are ready to commit. 


This includes pants such as yoga pants or tights that are tight on the legs so that the teachers can see clearly the lines of your legs to help you achieve proper execution of the movements. 


Sports tops are prefered over loosly fitting T-shirts similarly so that the teachers can see your posture and help you make suitable adjustments to dance development. 


Socks are suitable for your first couple of classes, however, it is recpmmende that you prepare a pair of customary ballet soft shoes as soon as you are ready to commit to a training package. 

In the studio.

Ballet soft shoes $100 per pair.

Tights $65 per pair.

For leotards, we sell exclusively the Taiwan brand Keithlink. 

Though we have limited stock in the studio, you can browse their website here and place an order for the style and size you would like with your teacher. If it is not available in the studio, we will have it sent from Taiwan in just a few days at no extra cost. 


You are also welcome to buy form the many specialty dance shops around Hong Kong. Search “Dance Shop” in Maps and you will easily find one near you. 

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來自Gravity Ballet學員們貼心的話語

  • 我跟Miss Eve上課已一年半,

    喜歡她教學明快的節奏,喜歡她的open class每天有不同的組合。其他學校的成人芭蕾舞班每星期只有幾堂,而且多數只有beginner的課程又或者是RAD考試課程。Gravity Ballet的open class有4個不同程度,而且每天都有課堂,選擇課堂時比較有彈性。


  • Gravity Ballet is the first and only studio I have joined since I moved to Hong Kong.

    It is such a small studio that you may barely finish 6 posé turns in a diagonal direction. However, inside this limited space, it lives a bunch of adult dancers who are chasing after their unlimited dream. Every day, you see numbers of girls (may be with a couple of guys) all tight up their hair into a nice bun, dress up in professional attires, and try their best to make a perfect jeté, under the patient and detailed step-by-step instructions from the teachers. Challenging combination at the barre and center, consistent struggling en pointe practice, and staying focus for every single detail with your toes, even just part-time practice in such a petite ballet studio with these dream chasers, make my management consulting life different. I am still on the way to perfect double pirouettes after my two-year practice in Gravity Ballet, but it makes me energetic to make a turn in this boutique ballet studio.


  • 一直很喜歡看芭蕾,

    但從沒想過在這種年纪去學習跳芭蕾,終於有一天鼓起勇氣去尋找教室,走遍很多地方,但始終沒找到那份學習的衝動,直至走進Gravity Ballet, 導師們耐心的教導及認真的講解,就算你是從零開始也不用害怕,她們同樣會悉心地教導,絕對會讓你的學習興趣一天比一天濃厚。就是她們那份熱誠,感動到一大班白天各有各忙,晚上卻必定到教室學習跳舞的成年人,風雨不改!! 所以, Gravity Ballet不只是跳舞室,她更加是一個大家庭,讓芭蕾藝術愛好者集中學習及交流的好地方!!


  • Gravity Ballet is so different from other ballet school in HK.

    They don't have beautiful, well equipped facilities like the other prestigious ballet schools have, the studio is simple or a bit broken, all the mirror and bars are all done by the teachers and students. They don't even turn on the air-con to dance during Winter(not sure about Summer). Opened for 6 years, got lots of students that some started since the first day of opening. Eve Yu, a Taiwanese ballerina and teacher came to HK all the way to start everything all over again to nurture not only the kids, but also and mainly for adults even they are a super beginner. BTW, when she teaches, she's really serious and harsh, so don't be lazy and play around.

    Kylie Choy

  • 時間過得真快,不經不覺在 Gravity Ballet 已跳了一年了,

    在這一年,讓我真真正正認識到學芭蕾舞其實是什麼一回事 !這裡的老師都非常注重學員的基本功,因她們明白若初學時基礎打得不好根本就不能學好芭蕾舞,正所謂與其做了一百次錯誤的動作都不及做一次正確的。所以在這裡我也糾正了很多以往我一直以為是對的錯誤做法,說實話在過去一年,我確實比以前的我進步了不少,雖絕對稱不上跳得好,在學芭蕾舞的路上我仍有很漫長的路要走呢!但進度卻是令我感到滿意的,亦對自己有所交待。最難得的是每一位老師都是非常用心地去教學,絕不敷衍了事得過且過便算,她們認真的態度及對教學那股熱誠確實令不少學員留下了深刻的印象,特別是她們對從沒有學過芭蕾舞的學員更是格外用心指導,經常不厭其煩的個別糾正他們的錯誤之處,所以我絕不保留地推介從沒有學過芭蕾舞但又對其有濃厚興趣者不妨試試他們的 Beginner class, 保證你一定能感受到學芭蕾舞的樂趣。若時光可以倒流能讓我早幾年認識 Gravity Ballet 的話,相信我在學芭蕾舞的路上便能走少很多冕枉路了。


  • 細個嘅時候接觸過芭蕾舞,一跳便愛上了!

    可惜因為某些原因沒有繼續學。而這個芭蕾夢一直擺係心入面,覺得人大咗根本無可能再跳,無可能再拉一字馬...等等。直到一次偶然嘅機會下接觸到Gravity Ballet,令我重捨對芭蕾舞嘅熱誠。嚟呢度學習芭蕾舞嘅學生燕瘦環肥少女到年紀比較大嘅都有。有人可能已經學咗好多年,亦都有好多係大個咗先開始。雖然係咁但係Miss Eve都會因材施教,態度認真,教導專業,絕對唔馬虎 !能夠有芭蕾舞老師咁認真對待成人學生我覺得真係十分難得!當然,態度認真都代表咗上堂很嚴格,Miss Eve唔會嫌棄你嘅身型你嘅年紀你嘅跳舞經驗,但絕對會嫌棄你做得唔夠好 (代表你其實係可以做得更好)!係Miss Eve教導的8個月裏我真係進步咗好多,以前覺得自己無可能做到的都一一實現了!完全體現咗"Your body can do anything, it's your brain you have to convince"!而且在Gravity我亦都認識咗好多對芭蕾舞很有熱誠嘅朋友,有很好的學習氣氛。如果你都有一個芭蕾舞夢,希望接受專業嘅芭蕾舞訓練,Gravity Ballet 會係一個非常好的選擇。


  • 在gravity ballet見到很多成人、

    上班族來追尋自己兒時的芭蕾夢,我很喜歡在gravity ballet學習,因為老師教學認真,對學生的堅持,在Gravity ballet有很多的機會,演出、表演…最難忘的是赴北京參賽及參加台北室內芭蕾舞團的夏令營。



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